
Obtain out how so that you can add Progress Bar in Blogger Blogspot Love YouTube

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How to add Progress Bar in Blogger Blogspot

Add Progress Bar in Blogger Love YouTube

This day we’re going to chat about making Progress Bar in Blogger Blogspot Love YouTube. So what’s blogger Blogspot progress bar and the arrangement will we utilize them in Blogger Blogspot. But we are in a position to know all these items listed right here. So cease tuned listed right here to know extra ingredient.

What is Blogger Blogspot?

And while you happen to work within the self-discipline of operating a blog. So that you might want to be successfully conscious about the weblog. So while you happen to don’t know, then let me expose you, Blog is a mark of on-line knowledge store. And whereby articles or posts are written on diverse forms of issues.

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So a weblog is admire an online impart. We are in a position to make And Blog on many a good deal of platforms. Speaking about But Platform, Blogger, WordPress, Joomla & Drupal along with many other platforms are additionally on hand to make a weblog.

What is Blogger Blogspot Progress Bar?

And first of all, we know what’s Progress Bar? So as to keep in touch of Progress Bar, it’s a goal line that will increase. As you are going to need seen, while you happen to originate admire YouTube in Desktop Mode, then on high you are going to ogle a crimson-coloured progress bar.

How to add Progress Bar in Blogger Blogspot Like YouTube

So let me expose you that you would additionally set aside this mark of Progress Bar on your weblog. If your weblog is on WordPress then you glean some plugins. But when your weblog is on Blogger then you are going to need some distress. Attributable to some scripts deserve to be mature in this course of. So below I hold explained your total steps.

Progress Bar Implimentation Steps in Blogger Blogspot

Below are your total steps that I hold talked about. All those steps are for the blogger Blogspot. And while you happen to lift to must set up this progress bar on your Blogspot. Follow your total steps below rigorously.

Step 1 – Initially you might want to log in to your Blogger Dashboard.

Step 2 – And besides you might want to click on on Edit HTML by clicking on Theme on your Blogger Dashboard.

Step 3 – When your theme code is originate, you might want to search sign.

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Step 4 – You can discover a code within the box below. And besides you might want to reproduction this complete code.

<script type=‘text/javascript’>//var Nanobar=function(){var c,d,e,f,g,h,k={width:100%,height:2px,zIndex:9999,top:0},l={width:0,height:100%,clear:both,transition:height .3s};c=function(a,b){for(var c in b)[c]=b[c];[float]=left};f=function(){var a=this,;0.1>b&&0.1<b?(,,this.moving=!1,100==this.width&&(,setTimeout(function(){a.cont.el.removeChild(a.el)},100))): (,this.widthb/4),setTimeout(function(){a.go()},16))};g=function(a){this.width=a;};h=function(){var a=new d(this);this.bars.unshift(a)};d=function(a){this.el=document.createElement(div);;;this.moving=!1;this.cont=a;c(this.el,l);a.el.appendChild(this.el)};d.prototype.go=function(a){a?(,this.moving||(this.moving=!0, this.moving&&};e=function(a){a=this.opts=a||{};var b;||#db3131;this.bars=[];b=this.el=document.createElement(div);c(this.el,k);; fixed;, document.getElementsByTagName(body)[0].appendChild(b);};e.prototype.go=function(a){this.bars[0].go(a);100==a&&};return e}();var nanobar = new Nanobar();nanobar.go(30);nanobar.go(60);nanobar.go(100);//]]></script>

Step 5 – Now the code you copied. And paste that code over the sign and build it.

Replace Side in Code

high: “2px” = Increasing the end in this code will lengthen the thickness of the progress bar.

“# Db3131” = # db3131 is a coloration code. So that you would trade the coloration code of your mind with it.

Conclusion on Obtain out how so that you can add Progress Bar in Blogger Blogspot Love YouTube

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