BISE Matriculation Multan Results 2022 Results will be announced on September 10, 2022. Students will have a hard time waiting for the results of their matriculation science or arts group.
The main objective of Board and Secondary Education Multan is to conduct Matriculation and Intermediate examinations of Science and Arts Group. In inter-classes, the date of pre-medical and pre-engineering examinations is announced every year and 2 months after the examination, BISE Multan Announced their results. Top position holders can get the best option of their career.
Result of BISE Matriculation Multan 2022
Last year, the Multan Board had canceled the practical examinations for Class X, XI and XII due to code. It was also noted, as a student, that if you are not satisfied with your result and you can apply for re-examination.
BISE Multan 10th class result 2022
The Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education announced the results of the Matriculation Class Science Group, Arts Group of Boys and Girls on September 10, 2022. You can see the matriculation results on the official website of BISE Multan.
This result can change the lives of many students because matriculation is the first step in your academic and professional career. You choose the ways you want to go where the best options are for you.
BISE Multan 10th class result 2022
As you all know, the Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education has announced the date for the results of the matriculation classes. The results are due September 10, 2022.
According to Multan Board sources, millions of boys and girls take admission in matriculation classes every year. Even in the BISE exams, about 99% of the students took and passed the matriculation exams.
BISE is the official website of Multan. www.bisemultan.edu.pk Where you can get your 10th class, 11th class, and 12th class intermediate results after the announcement. It will be updated after the result is announced.
The duration of the test is about 3 hours. Students will attend in two groups, morning and evening. Morning group paper time is 08:00 to 11:00 and evening group paper time is 01:00 to 04:00. Fraud during the paper is not allowed, otherwise your paper will be canceled or you may face a 3 year ban. So be careful about that.
How to check BISE Multan result via SMS
It is a great initiative by the IT team of Multan Board that now the matriculation class students just check their 10th class results via SMS by sending their roll number.
Just send your roll number to 800293.