
The administrative department of PPSC withdrew the following post (BS-14)

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PPSC withdraws the following post (BS-14)

Recently, the Punjab Public Service Commission issued a notification to withdraw the post. PPSC informed that the administrative department has withdrawn the following post (BS-14). The Commission has announced the following (withdrawn) post through advertisement 10/2020, Serial No. 102, Case No. 14-RG / 2020 to 21-RG / 2020.

Candidates for Zildar Post can now use their term treasury challan against any other post advertised by PPSC within the next year. Therefore, the employees who were recruited for the post of Zildar can now use their challan for any other post of their choice announced by PPSC within the next year. However, below we have also uploaded the notification of PPSC so that you can check the official statement regarding cancellation of the following post.

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