The Federal Board has announced the revised dates for the deferred SSC Annual Examinations 2022. FBISE has postponed the Matriculation SSC examinations on May 25 and 26, 2022 for two days due to the ongoing political situation. The Federal Board (FBISE) has issued the following revised schedule of SSC deferred examinations.
- Postponed SSC exams at FBISE will be held on May 25, 2022. June 08, 2022.
- Postponed SSC exams at FBISE will be held on May 26, 2022. June 09, 2022.
In addition, the Federal Board also announced the revised schedule of SSC Practical Examinations 2022. According to the FBISE notification, the Board will conduct SSC Practicals from June 10, 2022 instead of June 06, 2022.
FBISE Revised SSC Roll Number Slips 2022
The FBISE (Federal Board) has directed all SSC students to download their roll number slips for revised papers from the FBISE website. However, we do provide a link to download FBISE’s Revised Roll Number Slips for SSC Annual Examinations 2022. (http://portal.fbise.edu.pk/fbise-conduct/roll-no-slip-for-private)