The Water and Power Development Authority is looking for new employees. Vacancies can be found in the daily Jang. If you are interested in applying for WAPDA Carrier Advertising, you should visit the page. Download WAPDA Jobs 2022 Application Form – www.wapda.gov.pk
If you are interested in applying, stay tuned to this page for all current and upcoming information. Information can be downloaded from WAPDA’s official website www.wapda.gov.pk.
WAPDA Jobs 2022
- Location: Pakistan
- Education: BE, Bachelor, Matric, Middle, Retired persons
- due date: April 11, 2022
- Assamese: 100+
- Counterterrorism Specialist
- Lifting
- Chairman Resettlement Claims Commission
- security guard
- Junior Engineer – Electrical
- Junior Engineer – Mechanical
- Junior Engineer Electronics
- Lady Searcher
- Financial
- Member Resettlement Claims Commission
- peon
- security guard
- Security inspector
- Security sergeant
Male and female applicants are eligible for this recruitment. WAPDA career advertisements briefly describe the provinces of Pakistan, Punjab and Balochistan.
For a period of one year, the initial appointment will be as a supervisor. Academic degrees should be recognized by universities.
Qualification criteria:
- Bachelor’s degree holders in Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Electronics Engineering are encouraged to apply for Junior Engineer jobs. The age limit for the posts of Junior Engineer is between 21 to 33 years.
- Retired Pakistan Army personnel such as Subedar, Naik, Lance Naik, Hawaldar, and Soldier are eligible to apply for security staff jobs.
- If you want to apply for the posts of Member and Chairman, you must be a retired Judge of the Supreme Court or High Court. Middle pass candidates can apply for advertised positions.
How to apply for WAPDA Jobs 2022?
- The application form can be downloaded from www.wapda.gov.pk
- Each ad contains an address for applicants to submit their application form.
- All necessary documents should be included in the application form.
- For Junior Engineers, candidates are requested to visit the Pakistan Testing Services PTS website at www.pts.org.pk.
- Click here for the specified link to download the application form.
WAPDA Jobs 2022
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