Eligible candidates who are interested can apply online at paec.gov.pk/careers or click here. The complete application process is explained in the respective advertisement.
Applicants should access this link and provide required information. Candidates can submit online application only.
Only candidates fulfilling the eligibility criteria can apply. Those who do not meet the criteria and apply for any of the above posts may have their candidature canceled at any stage during the selection process, or any claim accepted during or after the selection process. will not be done.
Only Pakistanis holding Pakistani citizenship are eligible for the scholarship. Dual nationals are not eligible. Meeting the selection criteria does not guarantee shortlisting. If a large number of applicants meet the criteria, only the best and/or most experienced will be selected.
The appointment is purely on contract basis with a one-time payment for one year, and is for an indefinite period. (For Sr. No. 6 & 7).
The appointment during the contract is liable to be terminated either o or on thirty days notice.
Payment in lieu of basic salary is in lieu thereof, without reason. (For Sr. No. 6 & 7).
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