Punjab Finance Department has announced reduction in risk allowances 2022 to all rescue staff of Punjab. The government has approved to give an allowance equal to one initial basic salary per month to rescue personnel from September 09, 2022. However, the Punjab government clarified in the notification that the announced grant is for all rescue personnel of the Punjab Emergency Service Department. However, the government also stated that crews are not eligible for Rescue Risk Allowance.
Eligibility for Punjab Rescue Risk Allowance
Rescue Risk Allowance 2022 is not admissible to the following personnel/officers.
- Officers suspended
- Officers who made OSD or were directed to report to Punjab Emergency Service Department on misconduct or disciplinary charge.
- Extraordinary leave, study leave and overseas training when officers are on leave for 90 days or more.
- Who are not working in Punjab Emergency Service Department.
- Rescue Risk Allowance will not count towards pension, commutation/gratuity.