The Airport Security Force (ASF) recently released vacancies for various positions, including ASI and Caporal. The Last Date to register for ASF jobs was June 19, 2022. Now, registered candidates will look for sample papers and syllabus for ASI and corporate jobs. ASF will recruit candidates after passing the written and physical tests of the relevant subjects. However, if you want to see ASF’s recently announced job advertisement in 2022, Click here.
Candidates will be assessed about the format of the questions asked through the sample papers. However, through the curriculum, they will know the subjects / topics from which questions can be asked. Therefore, below we have given the syllabus of ASF Jobs 2022.
ASF Job Curriculum
For the Airport Security Force (ASF), written exams for jobs will be from the following subjects / topics.
- Pure study
- Public information
- islamiyat
- Urdu
- Everyday science
- English
- Mathematics
- current affairs
ASF Sample Papers ASI and Corporal Jobs 2022
Here we have provided the links through which you can get sample papers for the latest ASF jobs in ASI and Corporal Posts. However, you do not have to rely on these sample papers or books. For better preparation, you should consult various and authoritative books and internet resources to gather the latest and most accurate data. However, to help you, below are sample papers of ASI and Corporal Jobs through which you can estimate the types of questions commonly asked in the paper.
ASFASI Jobs Sample Paper
Check out Airport Security Force (ASF) sample papers via the link for ASI jobs. (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lSkMAMlrYQ7B2n4IJulsxNgj6ggZ_yI6/view?usp=sharing)
ASF Corporate Sample Paper
Follow the link to check out the complete ASF Corporate Jobs Guide. (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mYRMXxRCXl1BPigXXZBCG3O4ZQnS72rX/view)