The Bahauddin Zakariya University Multan has issued the syllabus for the written test for the Assistant Registrar, Controller, and Treasurer posts. So, those applicants who applied for the mentioned jobs announced in advertisements # 15/2019 and 16/2019 can get the syllabus and marks distribution from here. According to the syllabus, the total marks written test of BZU will be 100. However, below is the detail.
Allocation of BZU Jobs Test Marks
For the BZU Jobs, the university will conduct the written test according to the following marks distribution for each subject/topic.
- English: 20 Marks
- General Knowledge/General Mathematics: 20 Marks
- Islamic Studies/Pak Studies: 20 Marks
- Office Correspondence, Rule Regulations, Statues: 40 Marks
Syllabus for BZU Assistant Treasurer Post
The written test for the BZU Assistant Treasurer post, will be on the following topics.
- PPRA Rules
- Leave Rules
- Benevolent Fund Rule like Funeral Chag=rge, Marriage Grant, monthly grant, educational scholarship, financial Assistant
- Income tax ordinance 2001/income tax rules 2002
- Sales Tax Act 1990
- Punjab Sales Tax Act
- Pay and Allowances
- Pension rules
- TA/DA rules
- Cash Book Management
Syllabus for Controller of Examination
- Mode of Examination: Semester/annual/term system
- Branches of Controller of Examination: Secrecy, Conduct, and Tabulation
- Duties of Supritendents: deputy Supritendents and Invigilators
- Duties and Power of Assistant Controller, Deputy Controller, and Controller of Examination
- Duties of Secrecy Officers
- Difference between transcript and degree
- Procedure to get the degree before time
- Important instructions for a candidate in the examination
- Unfair means cases in our Education System
Officer Correspondence, Rules and Regulations (Registrar Office)
- Difference Between Statues, rules, and Regulations
- Difference between Act and Ordinance
- Kinds of Official Correspondence
- Difference between notification and office order
- Office notes and their parts
- PEEDA Act 2006
- Hierarchy
- Office Management
- Form of communication
- Importance of DO Letter
- What are the agenda and minutes of the meeting?
- Filing system
- Kind of official leaves
- Permanent and contract appointment
- Daily wages appointment
- Difference between circular and notification
- Office memorandum
- Endorsement
- Dismissal and Removal