Airport Security Force ASF Jobs 2022 (1200+ Posts) Apply Online www.joinasf.gov.pk. These jobs are available in different categories of Officer Jobs, Assistant Sub Inspector ASI, Corporal.
This is a great opportunity for all interested applicants who want to secure a secure future with a good package according to their educational qualifications. Eligibility criteria and other important details will be provided in the article.
The Airport Security Force (ASF) is a federal paramilitary law enforcement agency under the Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority that is responsible for providing security at airports across Pakistan as well as at its airspace, where it illegally crosses. Responsible for preventing over.
The Airport Security Force (ASF) was established in 1959 with an initial strength of 1,300 personnel and by 1990 had grown to 5,000 military personnel managing airports. There are six major elements of ASF:
It is headquartered at Lahore Airport. It operates on all main airports across Pakistan, as well as on the New Mainland to cover the border areas with India and Afghanistan.
The Airport Security Force (ASF) has been formed to provide security and protection of life and property at all airports in Pakistan, including Benazir Bhutto International Airport, Islamabad. The Airport Security Force (ASF) is doing its part to provide it.
New jobs are advertised for the Airport Security Force each year. ASF Jobs 2022 Advertisement on annual basis throughout Pakistan. Applicants who want to apply online must visit their website. Airport Security ForceOn this website you can also give a checklist of newspapers in which advertisement of Airport Security Force ASF Jobs 2022 will be published.
Applicants will have to submit their applications on time as it is being announced as after the last date only those applicants who have applied before the due date will be allowed.
Interested applicants may apply for ASF jobs if they meet the requirements of the given advertisement. June 4, 2022
Airport Security Force ASF Jobs 2022
- Posted: June 4, 2022
- Location: Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Former FATA, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
- Education: Graduation, Intermediate, Matric, Primary
- Vacancies: 1200
- due date: June 30, 2022
Eligibility Criteria for Uniform Positions:
ASI (BPS-11):
- Qualifications: Intermediate or equivalent qualifications
- Age range: 18 to 30 years
Corporal (BPS-07):
- Qualifications: Matriculation or equivalent
- Age range: 18 to 30 years
Corporal Driver (BPS-05):
- Qualifications: Matric with LTV / HTV driving license
- Age range: 18 to 30 years
Physical requirements for uniform positions:
- Height: 5 feet 6 inches – Men
- Height: 5 feet 2 inches – female
- Chest: 32.25 to 34.25 for men only
Vacancy details:
- Assistant Sub-Inspector ASI
- Corporal
- Corporal driver
- Assistant
- MT driver
- peon
- to cook
- Sweeper
Click here for more ASF jobs.
Online Registration for Airport Security Force ASF Jobs 2022:
Candidates who meet the quality requirements can apply online. ASF Online registration portal (https://joinasf.gov.pk/).
Candidates can also get the application form from the specific link and submit it at their local recruitment center. Candidates who want to apply for more than one job should fill up a separate online application form for each position. This search is only available to people over the age of 18.
Airport Security Force ASF Jobs 2022
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