On this page there is an advertisement about Punjab Tianjin University of Technology. This ad is from Jang newspaper. Interested persons can read the advertisement and apply if they meet the required qualifications.
PTUT Jobs 2022
- Location: Lahore, Punjab
- Education: ACCA, CA, Intermediate, Master, Matric, MBA, PhD
- due date: March 30, 2022
- Vacancies: 27
- Assistant Professor
- Assistant Treasurer
- Associate Professor
- Director P&D
- Driver
- Laboratory Assistant
- Professor
If you are interested in applying for teaching faculty jobs, you must have a PhD. Qualifications for degree and teaching experience. To apply for non-teaching staff positions, you must have a master’s degree in the same discipline.
How to apply?
- The application form and application procedure can be accessed on the website.
- Application forms should be sent to the Registrar, along with certified copies of supporting documents.
- Higher Education Commission of Pakistan issues equivalent certificates to foreign qualifiers.
Punjab Tianjin University of Technology PTUT Jobs 2022
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