Interested persons are invited to apply for jobs in Pak-Turkish Maarif International Schools and Colleges Peshawar. If you are interested in applying for teaching jobs in Peshawar, you should do so. 2022 Jobs in Pak-Turkish Maarif International Schools and Colleges Peshawar
Male and female applicants are invited to apply for the vacancies. The daily Aaj sent us this information.
2022 Jobs in Pak-Turkish Maarif International Schools and Colleges Peshawar
- Location: Peshawar
- Education: Master
- due date: 10 March 2022
- Vacancies: Numerous
- Administrative assistant
- Admin officer
- Chemistry teacher
- Computer teacher
- English teacher
- History teacher
- Home teacher
- Teacher of Islamic Studies
- Math teacher
- PE teacher
- Pak Study Teacher
- Physics teacher
- Quran teacher
- Urdu teacher
- Vice Principal
Interested applicants can apply for these posts if they have a master’s degree in the same field. Candidates need excellent oral and written English skills. Candidates should have at least 1 to 5 years of experience.
How to apply?
- The email address to which applicants can send their CVs is psh.hyt. [email protected] pakturkmaarif.edu.pk
- Email requests must be received by March 10, 2022, otherwise they will not be considered.
2022 Jobs in Pak-Turkish Maarif International Schools and Colleges Peshawar
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